Happy birthday, Bob Uecker

Updated from an original 2019 post. Happy birthday, Ueck! The ultimate Brewer happens to be Bob Uecker, which is kind of odd since he never played a game for the team. Sure, today's birthday boy drove in eig...

Meet Milo, the undefeated Brewers baby

As if fans of the Milwaukee Brewers needed any more reason to feel the magic of this postseason run, consider that the team has a fan who has never seen them lose. Born Sunday, September 23 at 9:07 a.m. with a ...

Remembering the life and comedy of Chris Farley

On the anniversary of Chris Farley’s untimely death, it’s worthwhile to recall a formula someone once expressed for living a full day: laugh, cry, and think. Chris Farley used his time on this Earth to deliv...