WMSE‘s local and live in-studio showcase, Local/Live, airs Tuesdays 6-7 p.m. You can find past episodes HERE, or on this handy Soundcloud playlist.

SID: Welcome to another Local/Live from the WMSE studios! You are tuned in to WMSE 91.7 FM Milwaukee, broadcasting from the campus of MSOE. I am Sid, bringing you tonight’s Local/Live, which, I’m super psyched, we’re going to hear from Diamond Life! Diamond Life is made up of Tron Jovi from Guerrilla Ghost, and Bonnie Drinkard, who is from a folk band from Detroit and who moved here recently. We’ll get into all of that and more! But now I want to take it live from the WMSE Bob and Genie Friedman production studios, where all our vinyl is kept. Give it up for Diamond Life!

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Meet Diamond Life and check out the duo’s “I Can’t Believe It!” music video