Mandatory Milwaukee: Lake effect snow; Some Milwaukee things come and go, while some become icons. Mandatory Milwaukee is all about the latter. This week: lake effect snow! What's the deal with snow? Sometimes you get...

Mandatory Midwest: Casserole!; Some comforting and budget-friendly meals come and go, while some become icons. Mandatory Milwaukee is all about the latter. This week: Casserole. It's that time of year again. Now de...

Mandatory Milwaukee/Wisconsin: Voting!; Some Milwaukee things come and go, while some become icons. Mandatory Milwaukee is all about the latter. This week: VOTING! For today's Big Election, we were going to do an inflamma...

Mandatory Milwaukee/Wisconsin: Basement Bars!; Some unique regional home amenities come and go, while some become icons. Mandatory Milwaukee is all about the latter. This week: Basement Bars! There are some foods, drinks, and ...

Mandatory Milwaukee: Beer Gardens

Some outdoor drinking destinations come and go, while some become icons. Mandatory Milwaukee is all about the latter. This week: Beer Gardens! Milwaukee excels in a number of ways, but its beer and its par...

Mandatory Milwaukee: Potholes!

Some Milwaukee things come and go, while some Milwaukee things become icons. Mandatory Milwaukee is all about the latter. This week: potholes! There's a dusty joke about Wisconsin having only two seasons: wi...