First Impression: Tuk’s Thai Kitchen

The foodist winds of fate have not blown kind on the corner building at 1000 E. Locust Street. Native Riverwesterners scoff at the patchy history, and inactive Facebook pages whisper of yesterday’s discarded cr...

Breadfest 2014: A day-by-day recap

When the inaugural Breadfest took place last summer, another music festival was the last thing Milwaukee needed. However, the Breadking Collective venture offers anything but the overpriced Miller Lite, massive...

Bandsketball courts 32 Milwaukee music acts

When it comes to music, the title of “best” is almost always subjective. Try as writers may to remain impartial, it’s only natural for at least some personal preference to trickle into record reviews and year-e...

Welcome to Milwaukee Record

Hello. Welcome to the Milwaukee Record, your newest source for Milwaukee music, culture, and gentle sarcasm. Enjoy! Okay, some explanation is probably in order. The Milwaukee Record is a new venture from for...