WMSE‘s local and live in-studio showcase, Local/Live, airs Tuesdays 6-7 p.m. You can find past episodes HERE. Beginning in 2023, we’re also collecting episodes on a handy Soundcloud playlist.

SID: Good evening everyone, and welcome to another edition of WMSE’s Local/Live! We’re broadcasting tonight from Anodyne in Walker’s Point. Shout-out to the audience here! You all look lovely and you smell really good! Tonight’s show is also being livestreamed. You can watch from our WMSE page, you can watch on Facebook, you can watch on YouTube. So if you want to see what Trapper looks like in real time, you can definitely tune in.

I just wanted to make a note that today is National Giving Day for public media. It’s really important, because events like these free shows that we put on once a month at Anodyne happen because of funding from our supporters. We kick off our membership drive on Friday, so we hope that you will all support WMSE!

MATT: Local/Live is presented by Third Space Brewing: You have your home, you have your work, but everyone needs a third space. Now, ladies and gentlemen both here at Anodyne and at home, please give a big warm welcome to the tireless, the talented, and the very, very tall, Trapper Schoepp!

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Trapper Schoepp uses old formats to tell new tales on ‘Siren Songs’

Trapper Schoepp makes a pilgrimage to Johnny Cash’s cabin in “Cliffs Of Dover” video

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My First Band: Trapper Schoepp

Enjoy Milwaukee’s OTHER cover of Sheryl Crow’s “If It Makes You Happy,” this one by Trapper Schoepp

Let’s play “spot the local celebrity” with Trapper Schoepp’s “On, Wisconsin” video

Public Domain: Trapper Schoepp performs “Fare Thee Well (Dink’s Song)”

Watch Trapper Schoepp party with Richard “Office Space” Riehle in “Settlin’ Or Sleepin’ Around”

Marc Maron played guitar on a new Trapper Schoepp & The Shades song