“It’s a new year and we are back with a new banger.”
That’s the short, simple, and almost comically understated message that accompanies “Amen,” the latest single from Milwaukee hip-hop outfit Art Of 3. Why is it understated? Because “Amen” isn’t just a banger, it’s a hell of a banger. Just listen:
If the three voices behind Art Of 3 sound familiar, that’s because they’ve been integral parts of the Milwaukee music scene for decades. Count Classic/Cadillac, Phantom Channel, and Dana Coppa are three of the four original members of the Rusty Pelicans—a.k.a. the Rusty Ps—a crew whose origins stretch back to the mid-’90s.
Cadillac, Channel, and Coppa has been releasing music as Art Of 3 for about a year; “Kings & Aces,” featuring a sweet Big Trouble In Little China sample, was released in April 2024. We can’t wait for more.
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