“Do you want your picture taken?”

That was the question posed to us by a gentleman sitting near the Bronze Fonz on Wednesday afternoon. We were taking pictures of the iconic (and once-controversial) downtown Milwaukee statue, attempting to use Arthur Fonzarelli’s “thumbs-up” pose to frame a fully armed U.S. Coast Guard gunboat trolling around in the Milwaukee River below.

Welcome to Day 3 of the RNC. Or, at least, Day 3 of the RNC security perimeter.

“Oh, you’re from Milwaukee then?” the gentleman asked when we politely declined his offer for a photo. Yes, we explained, and we had been snapping photos of the RNC action—or lack thereof—for the past two days. “Well, I live right above the Bronze Fonz, and let me tell you,” the man said, “hardly anybody has been visiting it this week.”

“Hardly anybody”? First the RNC has been a bust for downtown restaurants and businesses, and now this? Et tu, Fonzie?

We thanked the man for the inside scoop and pedaled off into the weird, empty Milwaukee streets. Here are some more photos and videos from Day 3. We’re pretty sure that was Trump’s motorcade leaving the Pfister.

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Scenes from the RNC security perimeter: Day 2

Scenes from the RNC security perimeter: Day 1

On The Run From RNC: Dispatches from Route 66, Day 3: Civil war and fictional podcasts

On The Run From RNC: Dispatches from Route 66, Day 2

On The Run From RNC: Dispatches from Route 66, Day 1

Some “Great Milwaukee Block Party” counter-RNC events, plus 13 RNC screenings of ‘Reagan’ starring Dennis Quaid

‘The Daily Show’ cancels Milwaukee broadcasts during RNC

The DNC has some bus wraps for the RNC

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Co-Founder and Editor

Matt Wild weighs between 140 and 145 pounds. He lives on Milwaukee's east side.