Apparently it’s a seller’s market.

On Wednesday morning, we broke the news that iconic Bay View cocktail lounge At Random was listed for sale by the Boerke Company for a $399,000 asking price. Two days later, the listing has been pulled. senior writer Molly Snyder noticed At Random was no longer listed on The Boerke Company’s website and followed up on the developing story. Friday afternoon, Snyder reported Alderman Tony Zielinski confirmed a rumor that “about three or four weeks ago” a developer showed interest in purchasing the S. Delaware Avenue property to demolish it and erect an apartment complex in its place.

There’s no word on whether this supposed developer (or anyone else, for that matter) has purchased At Random. Snyder says Bay View residents would have a say in whether the rumored project was approved. Let’s hope nothing comes of these rumors. Until then, let the speculation begin. If you have any information about At Random’s fate, please contact us so we can use our “small fingered hands” to keep disappointing our parents with news about the property’s status.

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Co-Founder and Editor

Before co-founding Milwaukee Record, Tyler Maas wrote for virtually every Milwaukee publication (except Wassup! Magazine). He lives in Bay View and enjoys both stuff and things.