Hey! It’s summer! Sort of? Yeah, it’s gonna be cold and rainy this weekend, but whatever. Now’s the time to get out of the house and enjoy all the summer-y things Milwaukee has to offer: festivals, concerts, and the glorious Milwaukee County Parks. Now years removed from the hordes of litter-happy Pokemon players (please call 911 or your nearest alderman if you spot any stragglers), the city’s so-called “emerald necklace” is ramping things up in 2018. There are plenty of beer gardens, of course, but there are also hundreds of free concerts, oodles of new food, and seven things for mom. But don’t take our word for it—just look how pumped this pro-parks family was 34 years ago:
Who were/are the Baileys? Why were they so excited about Milwaukee County Parks? Did they really have seven kids? Who knows, but this ancient “Parks Alive!” spot is an undeniable ’80s delight. Oh, and these days, the phone number at the end connects you to the Clerk of Circuit Court, and not the Baileys. BE THERE THIS SUMMER ANYWAY. [via The TV Madman]