It’s spring, it’s April, and it’s Election Day, which means only one thing: IT’S TIME TO VOTE ON WHEN THE MARCUS CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE SNOW PILE WILL MELT THIS YEAR.
You know it and love it. It’s the big pile o’ snow outside the parking structure of the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts (929 N. Water St.) that seems to hang around forever. Last year, it hung around until April 8:
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Will it make it that long this year? Maybe! The pile never got very big this season, so it’s kind of admirable that it’s still around. Here it is on January 25:
And February 28:
And March 16:
And this morning:
Kind of sad, really. But we’re not here to harp on its poor performance; we’re here to VOTE ON WHEN IT’S FINALLY GOING TO MELT.
Here’s the poll. Vote! We’ll keep an eye on the pile. If you happen to guess the exact date (honor system!) reach out to us at mwild at milwaukeerecord dot com and we’ll send you some old trading cards and some Milwaukee Record stickers in the mail. Good luck! And thanks for supporting local snow-pile journalism!
[yop_poll id=”36″]
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• When will the Marcus Center parking structure snow piles melt THIS year?