Back in spring 2019, we asked a perennial Milwaukee question: When would the big snow piles on the sides of the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts parking structure, 929 N. Water St., finally melt? We kept tabs on the then-dwindling snow piles, and they bit the big one in late April. Journalism never sleeps, people.
And so, after a disappointing 2019-20 season in which the Marcus folks apparently changed their usual “push a ton of snow from the top level of the parking structure through a hole in the fencing and let it pile up below” routine, the snow piles are back, baby! They’re big, they’re real, and they’re spectacular. Let’s take a look at the one on the east side of the parking structure—a.k.a. the one you pass every time you zoom by on Water Street:
Beautiful. And here’s the equally formidable one on the south side of the structure, facing State Street:
Not too shabby. So when will these things melt? We know it’s early, but we have a feeling that 2021 is going to be another loooooooong year. Make your predictions and place your bets in the comments below. Anything to pass the time.
We’re saying April 14, which is Milwaukee Day.
UPDATE (1/6/21): The above pictures were taken on the morning of January 5. By late afternoon, it appeared that the snow piles had been shaved down to size. Here’s what the east piled looked like on the morning of January 6:
And the south pile:
Ugh. Are the Marcus Center parking structure snow piles already doomed? Is this what they did last year? WHY? No further snow shaving, please. We need this.
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• UPDATE: That Marcus Center snow pile is still hanging on
• Mandatory Milwaukee: Kicking icy chunks of slush out of your vehicle’s wheel wells