It’s officially spring and it’s officially April, which means only one thing: IT’S TIME TO OFFICIALLY PLACE YOUR BETS ON WHEN THE MARCUS CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE SNOW PILE WILL MELT THIS YEAR.
You know it and love it. It’s the big pile o’ snow outside the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water St. It’s big, it’s real, and it’s spectacular. It’s also kind of funny, because it’s clearly created by pushing a bunch of snow from the top level of the parking structure through a gap in the fence. Brilliant!
We’ve been checking in on the iconic snow pile throughout the year. (And yes, we checked out the Shorewood snow pile, too. More on that in a bit.) Here it is on January 6…
March 1…
March 9…
March 15…
And now April 1…
And just so we cover all the bases, here’s the sister snow pile on the south side of the parking structure…
So whattya say, Milwaukee? When will this sucker melt? Will it finally buy the farm on April 14, a.k.a. Milwaukee Day? (That’s our prediction.) Later in the month? May? June? LEAVE YOUR PREDICTIONS IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. THE PERSON WHO COMES CLOSEST WITHOUT GOING OVER WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A PRIZE. Probably an old pack of ALF trading cards or something.
And yeah, that Shorewood snow pile/city is…something else. We’ll definitely beef up our coverage of that monstrosity next year. Here’s a glimpse of it on March 22. Woof.
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• When will the Marcus Center parking structure snow piles melt THIS year?
• UPDATE: That Marcus Center snow pile is still hanging on
• Mandatory Milwaukee: Kicking icy chunks of slush out of your vehicle’s wheel wells