We’re big rodeo fans here at Milwaukee Record, and even bigger “mutton busting” nuts. (Heh.) What’s mutton busting, you ask? Why, only the time-honored tradition of strapping small children to ornery sheep and letting them go crazy. It’s rodeo writ small, and it’s all perfectly captured in the new video for Dogs In Ecstasy’s hummable, danceable, and mutton-able “Do Me Ronnie.”
“Do Me Ronnie” is one of many highlights from the buzzy Milwaukee band’s latest release, the 20-track Welcome 2 Hell, out today on Juiceboxxx’s always-awesome Thunder Zone label. The song is right in the poppy, crunchy, ’90s-and-Rentals-esque wheelhouse first established on Dogs’ excellent 2013 album, Dat Cruel God. As for the video, well, yeah, we were kidding about being rodeo fans, and we were never aware of “mutton busting” until we watched this video and Googled “kids riding sheep.” Also: Jesus, can you believe this is really a thing?
Anyway, “Do Me Ronnie” is Dogs’ second Thunder Zone-approved video released this month; an earlier clip for “I’m A Man” featured footage of people in various states of, well, ecstasy at a 2013 Bruce Springsteen concert. Images of 10-year-olds riding and subsequently being pummeled by sheep may not be as cathartic as people losing it to “Born To Run,” but they’re definitely a hell of a lot funnier.
Dogs In Ecstasy will celebrate the release of Welcome 2 Hell Friday, October 2 at Circle-A. Bleach Athletixx will play in support.