Ald. Bauman offers new city flag option for Council’s consideration

Alderman Robert J. Bauman is sponsoring a substitute resolution that offers up a second, alternative option to a City flag that is now before the Common Council.

The substitute to file #240407 – a resolution relating to the adoption of a new City flag – offers a modified version of “Sunrise Over the Lake”, also known as the people’s flag, as the official City of Milwaukee flag (see the attached modified flag).

Alderman Bauman, chair of the Public Works Committee, said the new modified version features City Hall as a prominent feature of the flag design.

“The ‘Sunrise Over the Lake’ flag lacks any key identifying features that we associate with Milwaukee,” the Alderman said. “My proposed substitute flag design retains basic layout and design of the People’s Flag but incorporates an image of City Hall which enhances the flag’s association with the City of Milwaukee.”

On September 9, the Steering and Rules Committee voted 5-3 to recommend approval of adopting the “Sunrise Over the Lake” flag as the new official City flag. The current flag features a design from 1955 that detractors have said is outdated, no longer relevant, and not appropriate. Alderman Bauman’s substitute resolution will be considered by the full Council when it meets on Tuesday, September 24 at City Hall, 200 E. Wells St.

The full Council meeting on September 24 will start at 9 a.m. in the third floor Council Chamber at City Hall, 200 E. Wells St., and will be televised live on the City Channel (channel 25 on Spectrum Cable and channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse in the City of Milwaukee) and via streaming video on the city website at

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