WMSE’s local and live in-studio showcase, Local/Live, airs Tuesdays 6-7 p.m. You can find past episodes HERE. Beginning in 2023, we’re also collecting episodes on a handy Soundcloud playlist.
SID: Good evening, everyone! I am Sid, hosting tonight’s edition of Local/Live! Neither of my cohorts could make it this evening, so you’ve just got little ol’ me. We are broadcasting tonight from the WMSE vinyl library. Local/Live is presented by Third Space Brewing: you have your home, you have your office, but everyone needs a third space.
Our guest tonight is Kia Rap Princess. She’s going to be playing at Summerfest, and she just dropped a new record called “The Vibe Continues.” Without further ado, I introduce to you…Kia Rap Princess!
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