Is it possible to imagine anything better than Bob’s Burgers, the alternately hilarious and poignant animated series that takes the pain away from the weekly mercenary awfulness that is Family Guy and The Simpsons? Well, imagine this: Bob’s Burgers Live, featuring appearances from H. Jon Benjamin (Bob Belcher), Kristen Schaal (Louise Belcher), Eugene Mirman (Gene Belcher), Dan Mintz (Tina Belcher), John Roberts (Linda Belcher), and show creator Loren Bouchard. Imagine that live event including a mix of stand-up comedy, audience Q&A, a live table read, and a sneak peek at new episodes. Imagine that it’s coming to Milwaukee. Our heart, our heart.
Yep, Bob’s Burgers Live is headed to the Riverside Theater Saturday, March 21. Reserved seating tickets are $29.50, $39.50, and $49.50, and go on sale Friday, January 23 at noon. Yes.