Every Wednesday at noon, Ryan Schleicher, Evan Rytlewski, and Matt Wild take to the WMSE airwaves to discuss all things Milwaukee. This half-hour fun-fest is called The Disclaimer, so named because none of the oft-ridiculous views expressed on the show necessarily reflect the views of the hosts’ employers. Milwaukee music, Milwaukee art, Milwaukee events, and D.I.Y. lawn care tips are frequently discussed—and rarely agreed upon. The Disclaimer: talk radio for the sane.
DJ Jordan “Madhatter” Lee hops aboard the good ship Disclaimer for a (record-setting?) second time, this time to discuss his upcoming “Jones Uncovered” show for Alverno Presents. Discussed: the ridiculously accomplished career of Quincy Jones, and the diverse cast of Milwaukee musicians Lee has assembled to reinterpret Jones’ work Saturday at Alverno’s Pitman Theatre. Next, Lee, Ryan, Evan, and Matt offer up some sizzling hot takes on the just-revealed renderings of the new Bucks arena. Too ambitious? Too futuristic? Too Universal Studios-esque? Oh, and what’s up with the angry new Bucks logo?
Agree? Disagree? Lonely? Email us at thedisclaimerradio at gmail dot com, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to us on iTunes.