Despite Milwaukee’s proximity to his hometown of Chicago, Mike Kinsella—of American Football, Cap’n Jazz, Joan Of Arc, and his Owen solo project—hasn’t played in the area in a long time. Just how long has it been? Let’s just say his last show was an abbreviated appearance at Onopa Brewing Company, which has been home to two other breweries in subsequent years.
During the long, Brendan Kelly-like hiatus from Milwaukee, American Football got back together and released a second full-length (with a third one on the way later this month) and Owen put out seven albums. Next month, Kinsella’s 14-year absence from metro Milwaukee will come to an end when the singer-songwriter and emo kingpin will play an Owen show at X-Ray Arcade.
On Saturday, April 13, Kinsella’s solo venture will headline a show at the Cudahy arcade and music venue Local support is TBA. The show (presented by Cactus Club) will start at 8 p.m. Advance tickets go on sale Friday, March 8. They cost $15 online and go up to $20 that day of the show, we recommend buying early. Who knows when (or if) this will ever happen again?