Following months of waiting and numerous setbacks, The Drunk Uncle finally reopened. The lengthy renovation project virtually doubled the West Allis bar’s square footage, made room for a few more TVs show wrestling, and increased the number of draft lines from 12 to 48. Amid all the significant changes, one thing has stayed consistent: The Drunk Uncle still offers some amazing, mind-boggling specials.
Last August, they sold pints of “one of the greatest beers ever made” for just 50 cents apiece. For a couple days last September, the 68th Street establishment sold everything for a dollar. Now, in honor of Wisconsin State Fair, The Drunk Uncle will sell pints of two types of beer for 50 cents again. Starting today and running through August 11 (excluding next Monday and Tuesday, when The Drunk Uncle is closed), the bar will offer its exclusive Macho Man’s Elbow Drop Lager and Hulk Hogan’s Leg Drop Of Doom Pilsner for two quarters, or a fifty cent piece, or 10 nickels, or five dimes, or any any other combination of coins that totals 50 cents.
We can’t tell you how to live, but we recommend that you please try to tip at least 100 percent per pint. And please, please don’t drink and drive. Okay, now you know. Have some fun out there in West Allis these next 11 days!