Last month, we were excited to tell readers about The Drunk Uncle‘s unique weekend-long special, in which the West Allis bar sold “one of the greatest beers ever made” for 50 cents until bar close. Though we never got around to figuring out what type of beer that was, we’ve kept our eye on The Drunk Uncle to see what inexplicably awesome the bar had planned next. They didn’t disappoint.
This week Friday and Saturday, the 68th Street establishment will sell everything for $1 all night long. According to a post on the bar’s Facebook page, this financially-baffling special is apparently being done in effort to get rid of The Drunk Uncle’s inventory before they close “for a while” to remodel. We assume cocktails, shots, and anything from its impressive beer list all fall under the “everything” distinction. Also, many of the bar’s paintings will be for sale. Wow!
Get out those Washingtons and find a designated driver to help you say goodbye (for now) to The Drunk Uncle this weekend. Hopefully the new and improved version of the bar will still have crazy-ass specials.