In the annals of TV detective series history, Columbo stands alone. The 1970s classic stars a rumpled Peter Falk as the titular (and equally rumpled) L.A. homicide detective, who spends episode after episode solving crimes committed by high-class perps. Falk is terrific, the writing is terrific, and the ’70s stars and styles are terrific.
Oh, and just one more thing…a new Columbo event in Milwaukee sounds terrific, too. Yes, we’re delighted to bring you details on Club Columbo (or CLUBLUMBO if you’re nasty), a monthly Columbo watch party at The Brick House, 504 E. Center St. What’s Club Columbo’s tagline? “A place to watch Columbo,” of course.
Club Columbo is the brainchild of Timothy Faust, who also hosts a cult movie series called Film Fatale at The Brick House. “I put together a little event for people to watch Columbo and drink a beer at,” Faust says in a press release. “Falk’s everyman charisma is fun to watch—every time he’s on screen you go, ‘Oh fuck yeah, it’s Columbo.’ It’s compelling television; the villains are all upper-crusters who look at Columbo with disdain (class warfare!) while Columbo patiently, brilliantly, and exactingly disassembles them.”
Club Columbo kicks off Wednesday, June 5. Doors open at 7 p.m. The event is free. Trench coats, cigars, and chili are optional.
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