On Friday, November 6, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) released a statement that contained a bullshit claim about “concerns surfacing about mail-in ballot dumps and voter fraud” in the 2020 election. There were no such concerns. There are no such concerns. Vos’ bullshit claim about voter fraud is similar to bullshit claims told and spread by President Trump and some (not all) Republicans.
The Wisconsin Elections Commission has a handy guide to “correcting misinformation” about Wisconsin’s election HERE.
Here is Vos’ original statement, asking the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections to “utilize its powers to review statewide election”:
“I am directing the committee to use its investigatory powers under Wisconsin SS 13.31 to immediately review how the election was administered. With concerns surfacing about mail-in ballot dumps and voter fraud, Wisconsin citizens deserve to know their vote counted. There should be no question as to whether the vote was fair and legitimate, and there must be absolute certainty that the impending recount finds any and all irregularities.
“I encourage citizens to volunteer to participate in the recount in their respective communities and take an active role in ensuring fair elections.
“Wisconsin’s election system is one of the best in the country. We have well-trained staff that finished counting the ballots well before most other states. However, we can always look for ways to improve it even more. I hope the committee investigates the inefficiency of Milwaukee’s central counting of absentee ballots, as well as the removal of voters from the rolls who no longer live here.”
Election officials, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, and others have blasted Vos’ bullshit claim, calling it “absurd and insulting.”
When pressed about his bullshit claim on Tuesday, Vos admitted it was “unlikely” the investigation would change the results of the election. Still, he said, “I would rather guarantee that everyone at the end of the day has certainty that the election was conducted fairly because we do a thorough investigation as opposed to trusting a bunch of bureaucrats in Madison saying, ‘Look, we did it just fine.'”
And yet Vos didn’t specifically address his bullshit claim about “concerns surfacing about mail-in ballot dumps and voter fraud.” Therefore, throughout the week, Milwaukee Record has been contacting Vos via his email ([email protected]) and the email of his communications director Kit Beyer ([email protected]), asking him two things:
1. Can you share specific examples of “mail-in ballot dumps and voter fraud” in the 2020 election?
2. Can you share specific examples of “the inefficiency of Milwaukee’s central counting of absentee ballots”?
We haven’t heard back. As for our headline, we’ll update the number after “It’s been” as we continue to reach out.