Every Friday, Off The Record looks to other Milwaukee publications (and beyond) for bits of news we missed throughout the week.
• A collective sigh of “Oh no, not again” was heard last week when venerable German-tastic bar Von Trier announced it would soon be morphing into an “upscale cocktail lounge.” People wept, people cursed, people took to Facebook. Within hours, an online petition was created to “save” Von Trier; more than 2,300 Milwaukeeans have signed it so far.
But where were those 2,300 Milwaukeeans when Von Trier needed them? That’s the question owner John Sidoff pondered in a recent chat with OnMilwaukee. Some choice quotes:
“I wanted to keep it the same way, but businesses are based on loyal clientele, and if people don’t visit and support the space, it just can’t continue. I get what’s happening. We try to run a first class operation, we pay our staff well and provide a nice existence, but people have so many options—so many new options that they sometimes forget about their old options. And when they forget, then these ‘old places’ tend to go by the wayside.”
“I am moved by the number of people who have come in to show their support since we made our announcement. I just wish there were more of them, because that’s what it came down to.” [OnMilwaukee]
• Upper 90 Sports Pub, located at 322 W. State St., will close this Sunday and reopen as a Point Burger Bar Express on October 2. Upper 90 will host a “drink us dry” event this Sunday, while the upcoming Point Burger Bar will be open until 4 a.m. Thursday through Sunday. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
• Grate Modern Mac and Cheese is set to open at N92W16125 Falls Parkway in Menomonee Falls next Tuesday. Per a press release:
The 2,500-square-foot restaurant features 10 to 12 gourmet mac and cheese entrees, such as “Buffalo Chicken,” “Chicken Bacon Jalapeno Ranch” and “Green Chile Pepperjack.” All entrees are crafted from recipes that were developed in-house using only Wisconsin milk, butter and cheese, a detail very important to the Grate creators.” [OnMilwaukee]
• Following the debut of their new EP, Traps, on this here website, Static Eyes unveiled a video for the record’s title track. They also chatted with Milwaukee Magazine about playing our recent Roast of Milwaukee, what’s next for the group, and Jeffrey Dahmer. Static Eyes will celebrate the release of Traps tonight at the Cactus Club, as part of Triple Eye Industries Fest. [Milwaukee Magazine]
• Tonight also sees the release of two more Milwaukee EPs: Snag and Scarecrow Dave will celebrate the releases of Snag and Red House, respectively, at a 9 p.m. Riverwest Public House show. [Facebook]
• The Milwaukee Bucks held a ceremony Thursday to commemorate the installation of the last major piece of their new arena’s roof, a 4,400-pound steel beam. Per Urban Milwaukee:
Over 700 workers, including many participants in the city’s Residents Preference Program, were on hand to watch the beam be lifted into place. Three members of Iron Workers Local 8 performed the work, with one lifting the beam and two on lifts high above the ground connecting the beam to the ceiling super structure. The lift was done in a matter of minutes, far shorter than the speeches that preceded it. [Urban Milwaukee]
• The ever-busy Joey Turbo spoke to the Wisconsin Gazette about playing in Rio Turbo and Platinum Boys, running Gloss Records, and his role in Milwaukee’s DIY scene. “Will I be wearing lipstick and costumes with some of my friends and dancing sexy when I’m 55?” he asks himself. “I hope so.” [Wisconsin Gazette]
• Good City Brewing, located at 2108 N Farwell Ave., will release its Film Fest Lager on Saturday, September 2, as part of the Milwaukee Film Festival’s program release party. Good City is the official brewery of the 2017 Milwaukee Film Festival. [Brewbound]
• Speaking of film, Huck magazine recently spoke to Milwaukee’s own Mark Borchardt about his latest short, The Dundee Project. The film will screen as part of MFF2017’s Cinema Hooligante program (sponsored by Milwaukee Record!). [Huck]
• The owners of Bay View pizzeria Little DeMarinis are looking for, well, new owners. [OnMilwaukee]
• Graham Hunt, of Midnight Reruns and Midwives fame, released a lovely late-summer “yacht rock” tune, “Same Things.” [Explain]
• That new Marquette University Sendik’s is totally open. [Milwaukee Business Journal]
• Have a great weekend, Milwaukee!