As you may or may not know, infamous O.J. Simpson house guest Kato Kaelin is a big Wisconsin sports nut. Though now living and working (apparently) in Los Angeles, the 56-year-old Kaelin originally hails from Milwaukee, and shows his Wisconsin pride to this day by keeping tabs on teams like the Brewers and the Packers. Follow him on Twitter and you’ll be treated to incisive, well-reasoned thoughts on Wisconsin teams, as well as…okay, not really. Dude gets super fucking pissed when things go wrong and it’s really, really funny to watch him implode.
So, in case you’re looking to relive last night’s insane Green Bay Packers win against the Detroit Lions—in which pretty much everything went wrong until a thrilling final untimed play—we present some of Kaelin’s most hilariously angry tweets from the game, in chronological order, even after he threatened to stop watching in the second quarter.
Would u please win this game @packers? Please do something good for the fans. Rodgers please FOCUS
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
R u FKing kidding me @packers? U fn just suck! I hate u — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Do the @packers realize this game is the fn season?
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
I FK HATE THE @packers – fire Capers now. Fire McCarthy now. If I see one Rodgers State Farm commercial I throw remote thru TV. Fn GB SUCKS — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
What happened to @packers ? What happened to them? They ruin EVERYTHING
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
FUK!! Rodgers u BLOW @packers – fn PUKE — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
17-0 in 1st qt. EMBARRASSING. This team is VOMIT. No joke. Nance and Simms u blow to @packers game. U r now on MUTE
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Prediction – Olivia Munn dumps Rodgers this week @packers — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
It’s FKN OVER @packers – so fn depressed. #leaveWisconsin #VOMIT — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Prediction- Rodgers rebounds from Munn break-up and starts dating dude that SCREAMS “Rodgers” in State Farm ads. @packers =VOMIT
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
OMG THE @packers ARE AWFUL — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Done watching the @packers game. It’s OVER. Gonna watch Al Jazeera’s NO DEAL OR NO DEAL
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Why is McCarthy even the @packers coach? Can u believe the drought in WI Sports? The @Bucks = PUKE @Brewers = diarrhea & Puke -Pack= VOMIT — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Sam Shields just blows @packers
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Tie score if Crosby doesn’t LensCrafters the FG @packers — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
No joke but is Mansthay @packers punter have a hang nail ? He is awful
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
If Detroit scores any points @packers it’s over — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Fn Peppers @packers and fn Refs give me a fn break
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Oh lord @packers — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
If there really is a Santa Claus let the @packers win
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
Well I guess I hate Santa Claus. Thanks for ruining Christmas @packers — Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015
I FN LOVE THE @packers
— Kato Kaelin (@Kato_Kaelin) December 4, 2015