Over the course of the show’s 137-episode run (and counting!), Jim Hanke’s Vinyl Emergency podcast has featured in-depth conversations with notable musicians about their record collections and albums they had a hand in making. Before he was interviewing performers about their emotional attachment to wax (and producing other well-received podcasts), Hanke was a musician in his own right.
Recently, Hanke took on the guest role for a change when My First Band host Tyler Maas caught up with him to talk about his show, other projects he’s working on at the moment, and the ongoing vinyl boom. After swapping stories about their shows, the conversation turned to Hanke’s musical history. Over the course of the lengthy discussion, the performer-turned-podcaster talked about impressive opening gigs his band Twinstar played, his stint in El Oso, moving to Illinois during his time with Kid, You’ll Move Mountains, and the circumstances that took him from the stage to the studio.
My First Band is sponsored by Mystery Room Mastering and Lakefront Brewery. The show is edited by Jared Blohm. You can listen to My First Band on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and wherever else you get podcasts. Music used in this show comes courtesy of Devils Teeth (“The Junction Street Eight Tigers”) and El Oso (“Lions”).