Every Wednesday at noon, Ryan Schleicher, Evan Rytlewski, and Matt Wild TOOK to the WMSE airwaves to discuss all things Milwaukee. This half-hour fun-fest WAS called The Disclaimer, so named because none of the oft-ridiculous views expressed on the show necessarily REFLECTED the views of the hosts’ employers. Milwaukee music, Milwaukee art, Milwaukee events, and D.I.Y. lawn care tips WERE frequently discussed—and rarely agreed upon. The Disclaimer: Talk radio for the sane.

After eight years, hundreds of episodes, and only three death threats (that we know of), it’s time to say goodbye to The Disclaimer. Awww. We know! All things must pass, even weekly WMSE talk shows. For the last time, Ryan, Evan, and Matt get together to talk about the relationship between critics and artists, the evolution of Milwaukee and Milwaukee pride, and how Twitter is like attacking chickens in The Legend Of Zelda. Of course, they also discuss the history of their show and how it has evolved over the years. Plus, what’s up with the trailer for that Sonic The Hedgehog movie?

But seriously: thanks to everyone for listening all these years, and thanks to the incomparable WMSE for giving us this incredible platform (and for putting up with our occasional shit). We made history! This was important! Thank you!

Agree? Disagree? Lonely? Like The Disclaimer on Facebook and subscribe via iTunes. R.I.P.