Back on March 11 (which seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?!), we announced our plans to celebrate Milwaukee Day with an April 14 show at Company Brewing. The holiday event was going to feature performances by Mark Waldoch & The Hallelujah Ward, Fox Face, and Devils Teeth. We were set to have Milwaukee Public Library, Gruber Law Offices, Sparrow Collective, Rupena’s Fine Foods, Stag Barbershop, and The Waxwing sponsor. We paid an artist to make a poster for us and we had them printed and everything. It was going to be awesome.
Of course we all know what happened shortly after March 11. Exactly two weeks after first announcing the show, we wrote another announcement article stating the Milwaukee Day show would instead be turning into a “Milwaukee Day Make Up” show with the same bands playing at the same venue on August 28 (because 414 x 2 = 828). After all, our fractured society would surely be able set aside its selfish ways and bi-partisan bickering in order to band together and do their part to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths at the hands of COVID-19, right? Absolutely wrong!
Since we’re now living in a particularly stupid version of hell and there doesn’t appear to be any end to this pandemic in sight any time soon, we’re not going to risk anyone’s health and well-being for a Milwaukee Day Make Up show. After getting the okay from bands and Company Brewing, we’ve decided it’s best to just cancel the show. Those who donated enough to our (still active) GoFundMe page to qualify for a pair of free tickets to the Milwaukee Day Make Up will be added to the list for our Milwaukee Day show in 2021. Obviously, that show is dependent on if people get their shit together and shows are able to safely happen by then.
In the meantime, we encourage you to buy music and merchandise from the bands listed above, pick up some beer or takeout from Company Brewing, and support each of the aforementioned businesses who would have sponsored the Milwaukee Day Make Up show had it actually happened. Speaking of lost sponsorship dollars and canceled events, if you feel inclined, now wouldn’t be the worst time to pick up a Milwaukee Record shirt or tote bag or whatever.
Anyway, the August 28 show is off. Sorry about that. We hope to be able to start booking real-life events sometime in the near future. Until then, please wear a goddamn mask and treat each other with respect.