In case you somehow missed the news, allow us to let you know Sugar Maple is hosting a pop-up devoted to It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia this weekend. The ambitious and unconventional “It’s Always Sunny In Milwadelphia” transformation kicked off Thursday evening and will run through Sunday, March 17.
During that span, the Bay View business (located at 441 E. Lincoln Ave.) will host “a themed, curated art show featuring local artists who have created works specifically for this event, a themed vendor fair featuring local vendors, a variety of food trucks/food vendors, a costume contest, and games and decorations to immerse the viewer in world of Paddy’s Pub, the Irish dive bar, run by the sociopathic/narcissistic group of friends.” The bar created cocktails inspired by the show, including Fight Milk, Riot Juice, Gail The Snail, Green Man, and Invigaron. And yes, each day will feature a scavenger hunt for “Paddy’s Eggs” at The Sugar Maple and 1840 Brewing Company.
Shortly after Sugar Maple opened on Thursday afternoon, we were among the first through the doors to take in the sights, sounds, and flavors of the “It’s Always Sunny In Milwadelphia” pop-up. We snapped a few photos to give you an idea of what to expect, but we made sure to leave some surprises for you as well. Check out these photos and get yourself to Sugar Maple right away to experience the pop-up firsthand.