Score another one for Milwaukee’s burgeoning stand-up comedy scene. On Friday, January 16, Johnny Beehner—a 15-year veteran of the stage and certified road comic—is scheduled to perform on the Late Show with David Letterman. Beyond living every comedian’s dream of performing on the lofty network TV talk show, Beehner will also manage to squeak onto the program just months before Letterman’s May 20 finale.
“I’ve been pursuing this dream for a while, and it all came together so fast here recently,” Beehner says. “I keep feeling like I’m going to wake up any minute now in my bed thinking, ‘Oh, that was an exciting dream.’”
As long as no preceding guests go over on their time, the longtime local funnyman can finally cross “make David Letterman laugh” off his bucket list a week from now. Set your DVRs accordingly, and you should probably get used to seeing posts about comics with Milwaukee roots getting booked on late night shows in the coming years.