As we’ve written in countless different ways and as we’ve said countless times before, COVID-19 has severely impacted Milwaukee venues. They were among the first places to close in March and they’re going to be some of the last to reopen if/when the global pandemic subsides. While traditional venues wait for the right time and set of circumstances to reopen in a safe and responsible way, we’re glad to see some area haunts are keeping busy and keeping their name in people’s brain in some interesting and entertaining ways.
The Laughing Tap—a Walker’s Point comedy club that opened in January of this year—hasn’t been able to host shows in more than two months. However, the young club recently decided to ask an impressive cast of local comics to take the stage to perform sets in front of nobody (except owners Matt Kemple, Kaitlin McCarthy, and Greg Bach at a safe distance away from the stage) for a video series they’re calling “Quaran-Teeny Tiny Comedy.”
If you miss stand-up comedy and the city’s best club, you might enjoy seeing the likes of A.J. Grill, Raegan Niemela, Ryan Mason, Elijah Holbrook, Carly Malison, Jeff Spankowski, Christopher Schmidt, and Ton Johnson performing at The Laughing Tap. Additionally, if you’d like to support The Laughing Tap and Milwaukee Comedy, you can buy tickets to apply to future shows or make a donation to the club here. Watch the first three installments of Quaran-Teeny Tiny Comedy below.