First of all, support local journalism and subscribe to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Second of all, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is leaving the cavernous downtown building it has called home since 1924 and moving to smaller quarters at 330 E Kilbourn Ave. (Okay, okay: the cavernous downtown building was originally home to the Milwaukee Journal; the paper merged with the Milwaukee Sentinel in 1995.) Third of all, everything—and we mean EVERYTHING—in the old Milwaukee Journal Sentinel offices is being auctioned off. Not just a metric ton of office equipment, but food service and cafeteria equipment, too. Who among us hasn’t dreamed of owning an ice machine that was once used by Jim Stingl?

“The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel buildings are being converted into apartments and student housing,” the auction page informs us. “To make way for this transition, the remaining contents in the building will be sold to the public. Highlights include food service equipment and related items from the cafeteria, and an assortment of office furniture including desks, office chairs, sitting chairs, file cabinets, assorted decor and more. The public may preview and inspect items from 3p to 6p on September 9, and direct questions to Shawn Smith, call/text (937) 597-3602 or Judd Grafe, call/text (507) 254-1184.”

So there you go! A total of 462 items are up for grabs! Dibs on the neon dessert sign, the 69-inch plastic sneeze guard (nice), and the 8,000 dry erase boards.

Check out the auction HERE.

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Co-Founder and Editor

Matt Wild weighs between 140 and 145 pounds. He lives on Milwaukee's east side.