Some good news for a change: Thursday afternoon, Milwaukee’s Department of Public Works announced it had suspended “all timed, metered and night parking restrictions to accommodate residents who are home due to COVID-19.” “No Parking” signs and other parking restrictions still apply, of course, but at least you won’t have to worry about alternate side parking and night parking for a while.
Here’s the full announcement:
The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works has suspended all timed, metered and night parking restrictions to accommodate residents who are home due to COVID-19. Vehicles will not be required to alternate side park or have night parking permits.
Vehicles must abide by all other parking regulations, including posted “NO PARKING” signs. Parking Enforcement will focus on safety-related violations including unauthorized parking in a handicapped space, obstructing traffic/bicycle/streetcar lanes, and parking too close to an alley/driveway/fire hydrant/crosswalk.
Additionally, No Parking in a Loading Zone (including Carryout Zones) WILL BE actively enforced. Per Wisconsin statute, a vehicle must be attended while actively loading/unloading so that it may promptly be moved in case of an emergency or to avoid obstruction of traffic.