Milwaukee Magazine dining critic Ann Christenson has been covering the city’s restaurant scene since 1997. If there’s anyone who knows where to eat (and where not to eat) in Milwaukee, it’s her. Matt and Tyler sit down with Christenson to talk about her long career, the challenges and tricks of being an anonymous food critic, the trouble with Yelp, Milwaukee’s storied dining history (mob shootings!), what neighborhoods are hot, what neighborhoods are in danger of over-saturation, and what trends probably need to go away. Christenson also reveals her favorite restaurants in town, and expresses her appreciation for the kitty calendar hanging in Milwaukee Record’s office. Laughs are had, drinks are consumed, and the word “foodie” is only uttered once. Okay, twice.

As always, this episode of On The Record is brought to you by the gracious support of our brewery buddies at Ale Asylum. Music used in the episode comes compliments of Wealthy Ghost and Greatest Lakes. Subscribe to On The Record via iTunes (for free!) here.