Tracklist: 10 dubious Milwaukee listicle appearances

If there’s one thing Milwaukee is good at, it’s appearing on dopey online lists—or “listicles,” if you’re nasty. Yes, there’s something about the Brew City that makes it a perennial go-to name for lists of 10 C...

Breadfest 2014: A day-by-day recap

When the inaugural Breadfest took place last summer, another music festival was the last thing Milwaukee needed. However, the Breadking Collective venture offers anything but the overpriced Miller Lite, massive...

Deer Diary: 6 Milwaukee Bucks lottery losers

Following the worst season in franchise history and the sale of the team (which was approved this week, by the way!), the exciting new era of Milwaukee Bucks basketball begins with a game of chance. As one of 1...

Extra Points: 16 Ha Ha Clinton-Dix tweets

With the 21st pick in the 2014 NFL Draft, the Green Bay Packers set out to improve its under-performing (and M.D. Jennings-less) secondary that dragged the team down to the 25th ranked defense last season by ta...

Welcome to Milwaukee Record

Hello. Welcome to the Milwaukee Record, your newest source for Milwaukee music, culture, and gentle sarcasm. Enjoy! Okay, some explanation is probably in order. The Milwaukee Record is a new venture from for...