Saturday night, High Dive will play host to a bill featuring both Sin Bad and Bad Wig. Punny coincidences like this weekend’s “Sin Bad Wig” show aren’t entirely unheard of in Milwaukee music. Bo Triplex occasionally collaborates with Airo Kwil for “Bo & Airo” performances. Next month, Cactus Club will have a show with two bands with the word “moon” and two with a variation of the word “rat” incorporated.
You might be wondering why you should give a shit. Beats us! But figuring shows like “Sin Bad Wig” don’t come around every day, we cunning linguists at Milwaukee Record thought we’d use our affinity for wordplay to embark on a local music-themed pun run. Though it’s far from hard-hitting stuff and pretty much not useful for any reason at all, here are 21 more punny band name mergers in Milwaukee music.
1. Compound Red Knife Lottery — (Compound Red + Red Knife Lottery)
2. Coo Coo Calliope — (Coo Coo Cal + Calliope)
3. Cree Myles Coyne — (Cree Myles + Myles Coyne)
4. DJ Why B-Free — (DJ Why B + B-Free)
5. Galley Nightgown — (Gallery Night + Nightgown)
6. Hello Death Blues — (Hello Death + Death Blues)
7. Ian & The Dream Attics — (Ian & The Dream + Dream Attics)
8. Kiings Courteen — (Kiings + King Courteen)
9. Like Like The The The Death Dream — (Like Like The The The Death + Death Dream)
10. The New 7 Angels 7 Plagues — (The New Seven + Seven Angels Seven Plagues)
11. NO/NO No Yeah Okay — (NO/NO + No No Yeah Okay)
12. Pay The Devil Met Contention — (Pay The Devil + Devil Met Contention)
13. Rx Drugs Dragons — (Rx Drugs + Drugs Dragons)
14. Sin Bad Grades — (Sin Bad + Bad Grades)
15. Soul Low Down Sound — (Soul Low + Low Down Sound)
16. Stumblesomething To Do — (Stumblesome + Something To Do)
17. Surgeons In Heat Death — (Surgeons In Heat + Heat Death)
18. Ugly Brothers By Choice — (Ugly Brothers + Brothers By Choice)
19. Vincent VanGreatest Lakes — (Vincent VanGreat + Greatest Lakes)
20. Wealthy Ghost Cuts — (Wealthy Ghost + Ghost Cuts)