Monday marks the 10-year anniversary of Misery Signals releasing their celebrated debut full-length album, Of Malice And The Magnum Heart. While the then-Milwaukee metalcore magnates had experienced lineup changes, and members are currently spread throughout different states and Canadian provinces, the band didn’t let the seminal album reach the decade point pass without celebrating it with something special.
In an ominous 43-second YouTube video posted Thursday, the “MaliceX” tour is announced. The band’s original lineup will reunite to play Of Malice And The Magnum Heart in its entirety. Vocalist Jesse Zaraska—who now lives in Saskatchewan—will return to for the first time since Malice. Guitarist Stuart Ross (Vancouver), who departed after 2008’s Controller, also returns for the run of shows that begins in June.
No tour dates have been announced yet, but it would be absolutely shocking if the band passed over its birthplace—not to mention still-home of bassist Kyle Johnson. Misery Signals played an all-ages show at Miramar Theatre last winter, so (as long as there aren’t any dog weddings or talent shows with a $7 cover booked the same night) that’s a likely site for this momentous reunion show.
UPDATE: Misery Signals will play at The Rave on August 20. The Milwaukee stop is one of just three American dates on the eight-show “MaliceX” tour.