Bleach Athletixx, the brand new electro-pop endeavor of Young Holidays ex-pat Max Holiday came out of nowhere. Conjured a couple weeks ago and literally finished in his warehouse recording space last night, the project’s unarguably infectious debut single “California Future” came out dripping in drugged-up and audacious early-’80s aesthetic. Imagine a South Beach speed boat chase, shadowed-out B-movie sex scene, or pretty much anything involving Don Johnson set to music. There’s even a sample of a motorcycle revving.
Holiday says the sub-three-minute single, which was laid down by Holiday and given a mixing/mastering once-over by producer Riley Lake Thursday night, was “inspired by an issue of HERO Magazine and [his] really, really weird summer and fall.” It’s the DJ’s belated return to pop after scrapping almost an entire LP worth of instrumental material. Holiday plans to adapt Bleach Athletixx material live with a backing band and strives to release an EP in the coming months—probably just in time for us to tire of this song.