Following an abbreviated 2020 edition that featured fewer shows, far smaller audiences, a more localized lineup, and many more protective face coverings than ever before, Milwaukee Comedy Festival is getting back to something resembling normal in 2021. This year’s festival is scheduled to return to The Laughing Tap and four other venues for a total of 14 shows taking place October 3-10. The state’s largest and longest-running comedy festival had already announced Neil Hamburger, Myq Kaplan, and Lara Beitz as headliners, but the full Milwaukee Comedy Festival lineup was quietly released this week, too. Here it is! (All lineups listed in order of headliner to host. Lineup is subject to change.)
Sunday, October 3
Official Kick Off – 7 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
A.J. Grill
Casey Rocket
Tony Foxworthy
William Paik
Monday, October 4
Monday Night (Free) Showcase – 7:30 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Eitan Levine
Johanna Medrandna
Tucker Millett
Connor Meade
Jacob Weddle
Casey Rocket
Tuesday, October 5
Tuesday Night Showcase – 7:30 p.m. @ Var Gallery
Connor Meade
William Paik
Drew Flagge
Johanna Medranda
Prateek Srivastava
AJ Grill
Wednesday, October 6
Wednesday Night Showcase – 7:30 p.m. @ Great Lakes Distillery
Eitan Levine
Lucia Whalen
Tucker Millett
Brian Roe
Thursday, October 7
Thursday At Dandy! – 7:30 p.m. @ Dandy
Johnny Beehner
Johanna Medranda
Grapefruit Bubbly
Jake Weddle
Friday, October 8
Myq Kaplan & More – 8 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Myq Kaplan
Chris Higgins
Sharup Karim
Connor Meade
Friday Late Show – 10 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Jay Washington
Justin Brown
Casey Flesch
Shawn Vasquez
Saturday, October 9
Laughing Lunch – 2 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Jay Washington
Riley McCarthy
Jim Gallagher
Tok Moffat
Justin Brown
Casey Flesch
Evening Show – 5 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
AJ Grill
John McCombs
Yoni Heisler
Kevin Kellam
Early Show – 7:30 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Ryan Erwin
Riley McCarthy
Drew Flagge
Ella H
Neil Hamburger & More – 10:15 @ The Laughing Tap
Neil Hamburger
Major Entertainer
Sasha Rosser
Sunday, October 10
The Hangover Show – 2 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Ryan Erwin
Prateek Srivastava
Tucker Millett
John McCombs
Yoni Heisler
Kevin Kellam
Jamie Wolf
Brian Roe
Late Afternoon Show – 4 p.m. @ The Laughing Tap
Damon Millard
Ryan Webb
Jim Gallagher
Matt Ziemak
Lara Beitz & More – 7 p.m. @ Lakefront Brewery
Lara Beitz
Tok Moffat
Jamie Wolf
Prateek Srivastava
Milwaukee Comedy Festival will require proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to attend our shows starting September 17th, 2021. This policy is for the safety of our guests, comics, and staff, and is inline with other venues in Milwaukee.
• Accepted proof of Covid Vaccination card must match your name on a state or federal photo ID. Vaccination card or Photo/ Photocopy of card with full front clearly visible.
• Negative Covid Test result must be within 72 hours of show time.
If you have purchased tickets to an upcoming show and unable to attend because of this policy change, we will offer a full refund. Failure to comply with show policies will result in denied entrance and/or being asked to leave the club and no ticket refund.