And we’re on to Round 2!

Following a wonderfully weird and chaotic opening round, you, the people of Milwaukee, have whittled our Best Milwaukee Thing of 2024 Bracket down to 32 candidates. It’s now time to name the Best Things in their respective categories: Musical Act, Restaurant, Argument Starter, etc. After this round, category winners will go up against other category winners, ultimately leading to the Best Milwaukee Thing of 2024!

So here’s Round 2, which will run through Thursday, December 12. (Round 3 will be December 13-19; Round 4 will be December 20-23; Round 5 will be December 24-26; and the Finals will be December 27-29.) VOTE. VOTE AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE. JUST VOTE. And may the best Milwaukee thing win!


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Make your voice heard and vote in our Best Milwaukee Thing of 2024 Bracket

The people have spoken, and Tabman is the Best Milwaukee Thing of 2023