Milwaukee Record is working in partnership with Urban Cat Coalition—a local organization that’s dedicated to creating a no kill community by humanely reducing the cat population in the Milwaukee area through targeted trap-neuter-return (TNR)—to help find loving homes for area cats. Each week, we plan to highlight a feline friend that’s currently up for adoption by naming it “Milwaukee Record’s Cat Of The Week.” This week: a happy gal named CC Swirl.
Meet CC Swirl! An ice cream sundae is best with caramel and chocolate. Our CC Swirl is a perfect picture of the sweet special treat—a little bit of orange and a little bit of dark brown all on the her head with the rest being her soft white coat. So pretty!
CC is content to sit near a window and watch the world going by. If you want snuggles and to pet her, rub your fingers together and she’ll come running. This happy cat purrs all the time. She will make air biscuits with her paws when you hold her and she corkscrews her tail when you scratch her butt just right.
CC does well with young children (early school age and up) and her own kittens. She has two adoptable kittens, Cookies & Cream and Cutie Pie, who could be good companions for her. However, she met the resident cats at her foster home and decided not to be friends.
This swirly girl will make any home a happy one and her beautiful green eyes will hypnotize everyone into loving her.
Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Gentle
Coat length
Vaccinations up to date, spayed
Good in a home with
Prefers a home without
Other cats
Urban Cat Coalition Policies