In an effort to help out as many folks and businesses as possible, here’s an updated list of relief fundraisers for Milwaukee bars, restaurants, and venues (presented in alphabetical order):
• Blackbird Bar Staff Relief Fund
“If you would like to send love or ‘tips’ to our staff during these uncertain times, we have set up this gofundme page as well as a Venmo @blackbird-staff. ALL donations will be dispersed to our staff. Any amount is super appreciated. Blackbird will be back and we can’t wait to see all your pretty faces!”
• Bryant’s * At Random * Jazz Estate Employee Fund
“Our industry is feeling the effect of the unprecedented shut down of bars and restaurants due to the COVID-19 virus. While we all understand the importance of social distancing, the service industry, who work primarily on tips, has been especially hard hit. This week we had to lay off 37 hard working people who provide Milwaukee with amazing cocktails and help keep three of its historic venues alive and well. These employees are mothers, fathers, teachers, and artists. They give back to Milwaukee and make it a wonderfully creative place to live and work. As a business, we never imagined a scenario where all three of our businesses would have to close at once, so we are unfortunately unable to provide the assistance that these hard working folks need. I am asking that you take a moment to send a virtual tip to our staff so we can pass it on to them to help pay their expenses. All money raised by this fund will be passed on to our employees.”
• Team Burnhearts
“In return of your generous contribution we plan on doing weekly drops of draft beer and other goodies. To redeem you need to drop off your named & self addressed CLEAN growler/vessel by Thursday on Burnhearts front stoop so we have something to fill. We will then deliver beers Fridays/Saturdays weekly until we are out of fresh tap beer. We are not charging for drinks! Instead of drain pouring all the beautiful beers on taps we are going to deliver them to you during this time of need in exchange for your generous tips for our staff.”
• Cactus Club and Employee Relief Fund
“Due to the COVID-19 precautionary measures, Cactus temporally has to shut its doors to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and patrons. This wasn’t an easy decision but Kelsey continually acts in good faith and we love her for it. We are so grateful to have someone who is driven to carve out space for folx and loves to bring communities of all walks together. With Kelsey becoming the new owner of the space as of February 2020, it’s heartbreaking to see Cactus shut it’s doors so abruptly. Putting our operations on hold is a huge financial hit for our venue, touring and local artist, employees and partnering communities.”
• Company Brewing Employee Relief Fund
“We’re reaching out to our friends and neighbors who have supported us throughout the years to help support our staff in these trying times. If you are able to spare anything, it will go directly to our staff being able to take care of themselves, buy groceries, pay any necessary bills, etc.”
• County Clare Employee Relief Fund
“With grateful hearts, we appeal to you because of your patronage and ongoing support over the past 24 years. We are enlisting your help at this time to support our staff in need. Due to the Covid-19 virus, County Clare has been forced to lay off all staff. Our staff have been an integral part of County Clare’s success. Being predominantly ‘tipped’ employees, they are having great difficulty providing for their basic needs, particularly rent, and food. We know these are very uncertain times for everyone, however we are asking our community of friends, guests, and family to help the best they can. Any donation amount is appreciated and will go to good use. Please know that these funds will be dispersed as quickly as we can to our staff members who are most in need.”
• D.I.X. Bartenders Digital Tip Jar
“Naturally, the reality of this temporary but necessary closure is financially straining. It is with great humility that we’re respectfully asking for help to keep our D.I.X. family afloat during this time with a ‘Digital Tip Jar.’ 100% of the money raised here will go directly to support our staff to aid them with living expenses while we remain closed.”
• Finks Employee Relief Fund
“We’re a small staff that works, operates, and supports each other like a family and these are difficult times. For many of us, Finks is our second home – and main source of income. We love being a part of the community and being your go-to neighborhood bar. Until then, the staff is asking for some support and relief from those who’ve ever shared a good laugh, a game of dice, or enjoyed a good story with us.”
• Fuel Cafe Center Street Staff Relief
“We, Fuel Cafe Center Street, ask for your support during this difficult and stressful time. We appreciate your support past and present and can’t wait to see and serve each and every one of you as soon as we are able. Rest assured any financial support you send will go 100% to staff in its entirety to help them get by during these uncertain times.
• Goodkind Staff Relief Fund
“Goodkind had to shut its doors due to concerns about Covid 19 which left many of the staff without a steady income coming in. Goodkind would not be where it is without their staff and their dedicated involvement in community, building relationships with guests, and working hard everyday. We the staff members, ask for your support during this difficult time. We appreciate and are humbled by the opportunity we had to have cooked, create drinks, and serve each & every one of you.”
• High Dive Employee Relief Fund
“High Dive has been a special place for the community of Riverwest for years. From community events, live rambunctious music, dance parties, comedy shows, and many other unique events. We have always worked to exude the open and welcoming atmosphere of Riverwest. You as our patrons have made High Dive the amazing place it has become and we as bartenders, barbacks, and door people cannot thank you enough for your long lasting support. As many of you know, High Dive, like all bars and restaurants in the city, have closed their doors while we wait this pandemic out. We, like many Americans, work multiple jobs, paycheck to paycheck, to make ends meet. Because of this, many of us are left with no income with rent and bills soon approaching. If you can find it in your hearts and wallets, we at High Dive would truly appreciate any contributions you can make to help keep the family that have provided the party afloat during these difficult times. We, as a community, are in this together, and we as a community can work through this together. We can’t wait to party with you all soon. With love, gratitude, and respect. h.”
• Highbury Pub
“We are Highbury. Missing the atmosphere. If you are able, please tip the bartenders who need our help. We have a Venmo account: Joe-Katz-16. Thanks for the support.”
• Hooligans Bar Milwaukee Employees Fund
“Due to the closures of bars and restaurants in the Milwaukee area we have nearly 30 wonderful employees that are out of work for an unknown amount of time. The goal of this fundraiser is to raise whatever we can to help our staff out during this uncertain time. The money raised will be shared equally amongst our staff members. Thank you for your support and we look forward to taking care of you again when we are allowed to reopen!”
• Landmark Lanes Staff Relief Fund
“Due to the recent mandate set forth by the City of Milwaukee Health Department to maximize social distancing and minimize the potential spread of COVID-19, Landmark Lanes has temporarily closed its doors until further notice, leaving our team without work for the foreseeable future. We are doing whatever we can to help our service industry family during this time, but your help can go a long way to help those who are struggling without regular patronage from our customers. If you are able, please consider donating to our relief campaign. Every cent will go directly to our bartenders and staff who have kept Landmark Lanes running smoothly year in and year out. We can’t wait to open our doors again and continue serving you as we have for over 90 years. Until then, your generosity and support is immensely appreciated.”
• Milwaukee Comedy (and The Laughing Tap)
“As a local business we, like many of you, have been hit hard by the coronavirus and need your help! Consider “paying it forward” by pre-paying for tickets to future shows, buy tickets for a friend, or even consider a small donation to keep our business up and running. Your support is needed now more than ever! Use the simple form below to make a purchase that can be applied to any upcoming event Milwaukee Comedy or the Laughing Tap produces in 2020.”
• The Miramar Theatre and Employees Relief Fund
“Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, The Miramar Theatre has temporally shut its doors to ensure the safety and well being of employees and patrons. All shows on the calendar have either been postponed or canceled until June which means no source of income for our employees and no revenue stream to pay bills for at least 10 weeks. Our insurance does not cover pandemics so essentially the entire operation is dead in the water. We need your help to keep our establishment afloat until operations can continue. Currently, we need $15,000 which is the estimated cost to keep the business from going under and providing for our staff. Unfortunately, we do not have an exact timeframe on when the venue will open so bills and expenses will continue to pile up. Our situation is incredibly dire. Your support is needed!”
• Newport’s Family Fundraiser
“We’re raising moola for our beloved staff, who are currently and indefinitely out of work. If you think you can help, please donate here. And thank you so much.”
• Odd Duck
“Though we are working hard to support our staff with a carryout model, many are still laid off or working significantly reduced hours at this time. Those of us still working are distributing all carryout tips to our hourly employees who are losing income, but we also know there are those of you who aren’t in a position to be able to support our staff through ordering food at this time. If you feel like our Odd Ducks have made a day special for you in the past, you can donate directly to them here in the Virtual Tip Jar without having to leave your house! We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you again as soon as we can.”
• Pabst Theater Group Employee Relief Fund Benefitting Our Amazing Theater Staff
“We’ve watched as you’ve come together over the last 18 years. And we’ve been amazed that through your actions you’ve changed entertainment in our city. Now we need you to continue to be that same community during this difficult time. Help us to help our amazing Pabst Theater Group Team that is facing financial hardships caused by this pandemic. The Pabst Theater Group employs over 200: Ushers ✦ Bartenders ✦ Box Office Staff ✦ Event Staff ✦ Stagehands ✦ Photographers. If you love what we do, then you love what they do, because they are…The Pabst Theater Group. If you’ve ever been helped by our box office, gotten a better seat from an usher, heard an artist sing the praises of our backstage and stage staff, been given that extra pour from our bartender…Then please help. 100% of all proceeds go to every Usher, Bartender, Event Staff member, or Stagehand whose work makes the show you attend special!”
• Puddler’s Hall Employee Relief Fund
“We’re raising money to help our employees pay their bills during the shutdown.”
• Red Rock and McGillycuddy’s virtual tip bucket
“We are asking for your help in supporting our staff who are out of work and in a difficult position right now. McGillycuddy’s has been a Water Street staple for 29 years, and Red Rock Saloon was established in 2010 (2014 in Madison). We want to make sure we are able to open the doors when this pandemic passes to reinstate everyone’s jobs, and we want to make sure our staff is provided for in the meantime. As we continue to look for all possible opportunities for our employees, we are asking for your help in supporting us by making a contribution to them if you are able to. 100% of your donation will be given straight to our employees.”
• Riverwest Public House Relief Fund
“Riverwest Public House Cooperative has been a home for so many in the Riverwest neighborhood and beyond. It has been a home for us, the staff, the artists, and the performers who have loved our stage. We are looking forward to the day when our home reopens, and we are able to hug each other and enjoy some Riverwest Stein from the tap. In the meantime, you are in our hearts, and we hope you are staying safe and hydrated. And we are asking for your help in ensuring the reopening of our doors. Please donate if you can, share this, and see our Facebook page for the Venmos, Cashapps, and PayPals of our beloved staff.”
• S.O.S. Milwaukee (Save Our Spots)
“Here’s how it works: in a nod to my ever-advancing age, Julie and I will match the first $4600 in donations to a new fund we’ve just established and for which we’ve set an initial goal of $25,000. This money will be paid directly to restaurant/cafe owners in increments of $500, $1000, or $2500 depending on need, and will be earmarked to compensate members of their staff (whether still working or not). While I’ll make the ultimate funding decisions, there will be a final report that accounts for every dollar donated.”
• Sabbatic Employee Relief Fund
“As we all know, recent events regarding COVID-19 has caused most businesses to close their doors, with those in the service industry taking the largest loss. We, unfortunately, have shut down Sabbatic until further notice. We have been a part of the Walker’s Point neighborhood & community a long time. We will weather this, however, in the meantime, we would like to make sure our kick-ass staff will be taken care of. We are hoping to raise funds for them to help with the income they have lost. We miss our regulars and are looking forward to opening back up soon!”
• Save This is It!
“Enter 2020 and the Coronavirus outbreak… I am writing this at 10:30pm, just after receiving notice that we will have to close indefinitely at 2:00am tomorrow morning. We had a plan to stay open with limited capacity at 50, but now the government leaves us no choice but to close, leaving all of our staff jobless for an undetermined time, leaving no cashflow to pay our bills, and no system of relief or suspension of debt that we will owe. Even the SBA has yet to release the “emergency funding” that was promised. We have nowhere else to turn but to you.”
• Staff of Standard and Stella’s vs COVID-19
“We are asking for any help to ease some of their burden of rent/bills and stress of not knowing what tomorrow may bring for them. We are asking to give them a little bit of peace of mind in a very dark time. All of the funds raised will be distributed between the bartenders and door hosts. If you are able to help, please do. If you aren’t, we absolutely understand and we hope that you have everything that you need to get through this crazy time. Please reach out if you need anything. Stay in touch. When this is all over we hope to catch up with all of you over some whiskey. Until then, stay safe and stay well.”
• Strange Town Business/Employee Relief Fund
“Strange Town has closed due to COVID-19 and we need your help! 100% of the proceeds from this will go to immediate relief for Strange Town’s upcoming rent and bills, for our staff who are now unemployed, and for our owner/chef who can’t file for unemployment and is a single mom. We have been so grateful for your support over the last 2.5 years, and we need that support right now.”
• Tonic Bartender Relief Fund
“With all of this extra time in quarantine to ponder, I’m hoping you’ll take a moment to reflect on your fond memories shared with your favorite bartender, dig into your virtual pocket and toss a crumpled bill or two across the pine. 100% of the proceeds of this fundraiser will be divided among my very close knit staff to get them through these trying times. Thank you in advance for your compassion and support.”
• Up and Under bartenders relief fund
“My boss asked me to start a go fund me page to help out his employees while we’re all out of work due to the corona virus. People in the service industry definitely have it the hardest during this time. Any donation will help and we definitely appreciate it all! For your donation we will figure out a way to make it up to you when the bar can reopen with a bbq party or something. Your donation is not unseen. Thank you for all your help, even if it’s just sharing this page.”
• The Vanguard Staff Relief Fund
“As I’m sure you know, all bars and restaurants in Wisconsin have been forced to close due to the COVID-19 Virus. This includes my place of work, The Vanguard. These are trying times for service industry businesses and their staffs. This mandated closure has put me and 39 of my best friends in a very tough and uncertain situation financially. We all depend on serving guests of the Vanguard as our source of income, and most of us have little to no safety net in these uncertain times.”
• Velobahn Coffee; support the ones that serve you
“We are asking you to help support one of Milwaukee’s most unique and smallest operated cafes, Velobahn Coffee & Cycle. We are grateful for this chance to get in touch with our loyal customers like you who are looking for ways to help support us as we have been affected by the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak like so many businesses big and small throughout our communities. We are hoping to raise this money to offset some basic overhead costs that would including things like rent, loans, and utilities. We want you to know that every little bit counts and that we appreciate any amount of donation. Also, as good incentive to know, there is the potential to receive an addition five hundred dollar grant via the GoFundMe Small Business Relief Initiative if our goal is met.”
• Von Trier Employee Relief Fund
“We have seen Von Trier through quite a bit the last few years, and our wonderful staff have been here with you through it all. We would just like to say thank you! And that no one is going anywhere and we cannot wait to see all of you again! Von Trier has become so important to all of us and the people that serve you care about it just as much. If you are able and willing, please support your favorite servers and bartenders while we all go through this time of uncertainty. Prost!”
• Voyager
“As a direct result of Covid-19, Voyager is in a perilous position. We’ve only been around for about a year and a half and want to be around for many more years to come We love the sense of community that Milwaukee has allowed us to be a part of. We need your help guys if we’re going to make it though this nightmare. Thank you!”
• Walker’s Point Music Hall Employee Relief Fund
“Our wonderful staff is what makes our venue what it is, so we want to do everything we can to help them during this uncertain time. We are hoping to raise funds for them to help with the income they have lost. If you ever attended a show or event at our venue you know just how hard-working and involved our staff is. We ask that you please consider donating. We are looking forward to when we can reopen our doors and welcome everyone back!”
• Help X-Ray Arcade Through Pandemic
“X-Ray Arcade is an independent music venue based in Cudahy/Milwaukee, Wis. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to cancel shows and shut down bar service for the next month or more for everyone’s health and safety. Our staff, and our business as a whole, has been left in a difficult financial position: Live music pays our bills, and unfortunately, live music at the moment is also a major health risk. But it won’t be forever, and we want to continue supporting our community once the COVID pandemic has run its course.”