Did you know that Milwaukee Record is on Patreon? Did you know that for a mere $5 a month you get an exclusive article every other Wednesday? And did you know that for a mere $8 a month you get a bi-weekly article and a bi-weekly podcast? It’s true! Subscribe today!

About that podcast: It’s called “From The Archives,” and it features Milwaukee Record‘s own Matt Wild and Tyler Maas shooting the breeze about old articles, new articles, and/or whatever’s happening in the Milwaukee Record extended universe. We’ve done 115 episodes so far! And we’re sharing a free one today!

From March 2024, it’s “Greendale, Greenfield, or Glendale?” Enjoy this slightly off-format episode where Tyler surprises Matt with a surprise quiz about three similar-sounding Milwaukee-area locales. Does Matt completely bomb this impromptu suburban quiz? Or does he, incredibly, do okay? Listen and find out!

And again, you can subscribe to our Patreon HERE. We really, really appreciate all of our supporters, and we’ve got some fun ideas in store for 2025! Thanks!

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