A few weeks ago we spent the night at Shaker’s, a.k.a. Milwaukee’s most haunted bar, a.k.a. the fifth most haunted bar in America. Things got, well, emotional. One thing that didn’t make our final report: during the “rooting around in dressers and utility closets” portion of our stay, we found this…
Creeeeepy. With the lights on…
And upon closer inspection…
So yeah, it’s an old-school bar jacket for an old-school bar called Easy Street. We can’t dig up any info on the place, though the “60th and Mitchell” location suggests it perhaps used to be in the space now occupied by The Buzzard’s Nest. Anyone know anything about Easy Street? When it was around, its exact location, what it was like? And, more importantly, why one of its jackets would be hanging in the closet of Shaker’s? Thanks! We’re dying to know.