It’s a scientific fact that each and every online list of “17 reasons to move to Milwaukee,” “22 MORE things that are super neat about Milwaukee,” or “Have we done Bloody Marys lately? No? Okay, here are the best places to get a Bloody Mary in Milwaukee” can be boiled down to one thing: SUMMER. Yeah, summer in Milwaukee rules. Looking for gorgeous weather? Summer in Milwaukee has you covered. Looking for roughly 8,000 festivals crammed into three months? Summer in Milwaukee can handle it. Looking for gorgeous weather, 8,000 festivals, and a winning Brewers season? Well, even summer in Milwaukee can’t perform miracles.
Which brings us to our second annual Summer Preview Week, once again sponsored by the fine folks at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino. All week long, we’ll be dedicating the bulk of our coverage to all things hot, sweaty, and summer-rific. Today’s Tracklist rounds up 12 can’t-miss summer concerts that, incredibly, aren’t connected to a street party, festival, or street party festival. Those festivals will have to wait until Tuesday, when we unveil our ridiculously overstuffed 2015 Milwaukee summer festival guide. Buckle up, ’cause it’s a doozy. On Wednesday, our weekly podcast, On The Record, returns with a special guest and some Ale Asylum-fueled summer chitchat. Thursday will find contributor Rachel Seis rounding up Milwaukee’s best outdoor patios that make you forget you’re in Milwaukee, while Friday will feature an A-side/B-side discussion of the quality of this year’s Summerfest lineup. All that and more!
So, about that cat video. It is indeed a video of a cat swimming in Lake Michigan, though not on the Wisconsin side. Sorry about that. A video of a cat swimming in Lake Michigan is just too good to pass up, even if the waterlogged feline is doing his thing on the Michigan shores. (The dramatic slo-mo alone makes it worth a look.) But who cares about the details? It’s almost summer, Milwaukee: LET’S DO THIS.