Having trouble returning to the real world after a seemingly endless and (hopefully) drunken holiday break? Of course you are. Happily, there’s a solution: Keep the holidays alive all year long with Xposed 4Heads‘ ridiculous all-purpose holiday song, “Sing Along Again (The All Holiday Song).” Sure, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve are all things of the past, but with the delightfully unspecific (and secular) “Sing Along Again,” you can make an excuse to celebrate just about any day of the year. Is there any holiday on January 5? What’s that? National Bird Day? Works for us!
For those who may not count They Might Be Giants or Too Much Joy as their favorite bands of all time, Milwaukee’s Xposed 4Heads may need an introduction. Joy Farm mastermind Mark G.E. hatched the tongue-in-cheek band in 1982, releasing a handful of DIY cassettes back when releasing DIY cassettes was the only option for unknown groups. More of a prankish concept than an actual band (the group never played live), Xposed 4Heads lay mostly dormant until performing at 2012’s massive Lest We Forget show at Turner Hall, after which G.E.—along with Bob Jorin, Carter Hunnicutt, Kelp Chofs, and Andy Stilin—recorded and released a new album, Choose To Be Human, in 2015. “Sing Along Again” comes from that album.
So, if you’re in the mood for a bracing shot of ’80s-college-radio-indebted silliness mixed with an all-inclusive message of holiday drinking and eating, look no further. Check out “Sing Along Again” and its finger-rific video below, and rejoice.