Ever since the crazy-good lineup for the second annual Riverwest FemFest was announced in September and the four-night schedule for that dizzying, delightful lineup was set in stone in November, our excitement for the female-focused benefit has grown by the day. Though we’re still about two weeks away from the January 21 start of the 50-artist, five-show, four-venue festival, FemFest’s organizers were kind enough to whet Milwaukee’s appetite and grant listeners a sample of the quality and diversity they can expect by releasing the first of three Riverwest FemFest 2016 comps today.
The 11-song Bandcamp release is a stylistic grab bag that includes the sweet singer-songwriter styling of Caley Conway, the brooding beauty of Hello Death, the raw energy of Static Eyes, the captivating voice of Abby Jeanne Rebel Love, the classic rock sound of Mortgage Freeman, and more. The comp can be obtained for a “name your price” download fee, and all money will go to Milwaukee Women’s Center and DRAM (Date Rape Awareness Milwaukee). Give the first FemFest comp a listen and pre-order your FemFest weekend pass today.