Earlier this week, Mequon Pizza Co. made news by offering a free roll of toilet paper with every order of a large pizza. But things have changed since Monday—you can no longer eat inside a restaurant, and toilet paper ain’t cheap. For proof, look no further than Company Brewing. Today, the Riverwest mainstay announced a deal where folks can order carryout and receive a roll of toilet paper for $1. The times they are a-changin’.

Says Company Brewing:

Haven’t bought a bidet yet? We’ll talk about that later… Another way to show that we care about you (cheeks and all), starting today we are offering a $1 roll of toilet paper with any carry out purchase (please limit one per person, as we would like to make this available to as many people as possible 😊). Call us at 414-930-0909 to place your order!

And behold the TP pyramid!

It’s only Day 3. The mind reels.