Remember East side ramen joint Yokohama? If not, don’t worry: the thing came and went in fewer than nine months. The former restaurant has remained empty since February 2018, a wood-paneled blot on an otherwise bustling and ever-growing East Side. But now, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a new restaurant will soon set up shop in the 4,000 square feet of 1932 E. Kenilworth Pl. What, you were expecting the second coming of Yield?
The owners of Third Ward modern-Korean restaurant Char’d have confirmed that they’ve signed a lease for the former Yokohama space, and that they plan to open a restaurant there later this year. Beyond that, there’s not much to tell. Char’d general manager Hank Kim tells the Journal Sentinel that a restaurant theme and further details will be released in September.
So, in the meantime, here’s the time we sang karaoke at Yokohama, here’s the time we ate at three different East Side ramen places in one night, and here’s that old Mariah Carey flying lawnmower Vine: