Last night’s Parks And Recreation series finale forced the world to begrudgingly bid adieu to one of televised comedy’s single greatest characters, Ronald Ulysses Swanson. With Swanson’s swan song, viewers are now forced to grapple with thoughts of a life without him (not to mention Duke Silver!) and wonder what’s next for Nick Offerman, the character actor who achieved mainstream recognition in his brilliant portrayal of the lovable Libertarian. Earlier this month, Pabst Theater Group announced Offerman and real life wife Megan Mullally (who made occasional Parks cameos as Swanson’s unhinged ex-wife/nemesis “Tammy 2”) would swing by Milwaukee’s Riverside Theater on May 8 as part of the comedic couple’s “Summer Of 69: No Apostrophe” tour.
In just over two weeks, Offer-mania has swept through Milwaukee, causing the side-splitting spouses to tack a 10:30 p.m. show to follow their sold out 7 p.m. performance. Moreover, the pair of shows will be filmed for a forthcoming comedy special. Tickets (reserved seating) cost $35.75 and go on sale today at noon. Get them while you can. It won’t be fun to hunt for them in May.