There’s an old Onion article where a just-past-his-prime Marilyn Manson is going door-to-door in a small Kansas City suburb trying to shock people. Draped in sheep entrails, Manson arrives at the home of a mother preparing to drive her daughter to a Girl Scouts meeting. The woman reacts to Manson thusly:
“I tried to be nice and humor him a little. I said, ‘Yesiree, that sure is some shocking satanic imagery, no doubt about it. And that one eye with no color in the pupil, very disturbing. I’d sure like to suppress that.’ I mean, what do you say to Marilyn Manson?”
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. is the Onion’s version of Marilyn Manson: desperate to offend, eager to shock, exhausted. Last week, Clarke made news by comparing the Black Lives Matter movement to ISIS, denying the existence of police brutality, and calling African-Americans “lazy” and “morally bankrupt.” Far from shocking, it was just another in a long line of calculated, by-the-books trolls designed to bait Clarke’s enemies and appease his fans—all disguised as an “in-your-face” dose of “truth-telling” that was too “real” for those pussy PC “elites.” Yesiree, those sure were some shocking tweets, no doubt about it.
Anyway, because Clarke spends most of his time concerned with things that truly matter to Milwaukee County—Obama, Quentin Tarantino, the “liberal media”—there’s no shortage of sheep-entrails-esque statements coming from his dog-eared book of far-right-wing Mad Libs. In the interest of saving us all some time, Milwaukee Record signed out of Twitter (Clarke is notorious for blocking the media “elites”) and rounded up 10 “outrageous” Sheriff Clarke tweets—all from the past 72 hours.
1. Black “L-I-E-S” Matter! Are you offended yet? Blacks kill blacks, Black L-I-E-S Matter silent. Police defend themselves against a black criminal and riots ensue.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 10, 2015
2. Obama needs to be “crushed!” Eh? Obama supporting Black LIES needs to be crushed for the sake of good law abiding black people. — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 10, 2015
3. Let’s see here…something about the government seeing us as “subjects.” Yeah! Get mad, America, please. We need more of this pushback against a tyrannical fed government that sees us not as free citizens but subjects.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 9, 2015
4. Too “red-hot” for the PC crowd! Do you see the pitchforks coming for me? Do you?
Locked, loaded and ready to be fired. New podcast is ready for listening! PC crowd cover your ears. — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 7, 2015
5. Those “media elites” at it again! And the biggest threat to America and Milwaukee County: Quentin Tarantino. Too hot to handle or whatever.
Media elites @MSNBC still refuse to allow my counter argument to @QuenTarantino slander of police. They can’t handle a view dif than their’s
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 7, 2015
6. “One-percenter”? Check. “Limousine liberal”? Check. “Fake the funk”? Yeah.
I despise Hollywood elites who “fake the funk” like Quentin Tarantino and @MSNBC . He’s a 1%er, a limousine liberal, a red carpet bagger. — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 6, 2015
7. You know what? Black lives “DON’T” matter! There, I said it! (Fuck. Why didn’t that get more RTs?) This is what speech controller @MSNBC, @QuenTarantino should be discussing but to elites, Black lives do NOT matter.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 10, 2015
8. Democrats are slave drivers! And Tarantino, too! Anyway, here’s a political cartoon from last year.
This is who Quentin Tarantino and @MSNBC really are. — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 10, 2015
9. So tired. So alone. I read somewhere yesterday that the universe is expanding at 46 miles per second per megaparsec. God, is that really possible? Is it all just noise and commotion—strutting and fretting, that’s what Shakespeare said—surrounded by an ever-growing maw of nothingness? How can we even get up in the morning knowing that fact? But what are facts, really? Is anything knowable? And if all truths are knowable, then what about unknown truths? That’s Fitch’s paradox of knowability, isn’t it? Yeah, something like that. Oh, what does it matter? Even now, the cold grip of death, tightening…ever-tightening… The American People should rise up, use this tactic to rally at the White House lawn and demand Obama’s resignation.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 10, 2015
10. Welp, back to work.
Appearing with Neil Cavutto pre Presidential debate. 4:30PM ET — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) November 10, 2015